Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Evolution of Communication in the Technology-Focused World Essay

The Evolution of Communication in the Technology-Focused World - Essay Example Current issues are talked about, for example, how ‘sexting’ speaks to a predicament for open authorities, and why it’s imperative to choose unpredictable, difficult to-figure passwords for significant online records. Taking all things together, the paper presents a compact gander at a couple of the numerous territories influenced by the quick reception of innovation as a methods for correspondence, and what it will at last mean for the obligations performed by open authorities. Watchwords: correspondence, innovation, criminal equity, open division The Evolution of Communication as the World Becomes More Technology-Focused ‘Communication,’ as characterized by the Oxford English Dictionary, is â€Å"the fruitful passing on or sharing of thoughts and feelings.† The strategies by which such movements are made have been broadly disparate through time. While in the far off past, the prevailing method of correspondence may have involved creation signa ls joined with short words or expressions to make one’s aims known, the coming of the cutting edge mechanical time has brought forth a totally new arrangement of ideal models. The quick ascent in the speed and expansiveness of worldwide correspondences empowered by innovation has offered ascend to various engaging names. Industry master Manuel Castells, an educator and Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication Technology and Society at the University of Southern California, has named the time as, ‘the arrange society’ (Castells, 2010). He hypothesizes, â€Å"I battle that around the finish of the second thousand years of the BC various significant social, mechanical, financial and social met up to offer ascent to another type of society† (p. xvii). The alluded to outlook change in correspondence is refered to by Castells as making a â€Å"shift from customary broad communications to an arrangement of level correspondence systems sorted out around the Intern et and remote communication† (p. xviii). Receiving a preventative tone, he takes note of that a basic social change has occurred, in view of computerized data preparing, that has induced a â€Å"generational divide† between people conceived before 1969, which he checks as the ‘Internet Age’ and those from there on. While discount changes to longstanding worldwide cultural structures have certainly made a feeling of bewilderment among a few, the capacity to right away impart has realized numerous upgrades around the world. In the basic region of medicinal services, correspondence innovation has empowered remarkable degrees of access to data on sicknesses and medicines, which are in a split second available over Internet-based conventions. Developments, for example, Web-based clinical coordinated efforts, wherein professionals in various topographical areas can share information from a solitary clinical record, have become an imperative piece of the treatment procedure (Sands, 2008). Advances in correspondence innovation have totally revamped the customary plan of action. Though once just the bigger corporate structures had the fortitude to circulate merchandise and ventures around the world, worldwide access is presently effectively available to even little owners.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

C. Wright Mills and His Understanding of the Cold War/Wwiii

Yunlong Li November 11, 2012 C. Wright Mills and His Understanding of the Cold War/WWIII Authors and students of history have endeavored to comprehend what caused and sustained the Cold War for quite a long time. Despite the fact that it's anything but a basic answer with basic segment reasons, this concise exposition will look to disclose to the peruser a couple of the fundamental reasons why the Cold War happened as it did and what systems propped it up. As a methods for understanding the Cold War, the writer of the article has assessed the compositions of C.Wright Mill with connection to this point just as different writers who have been refered to and referenced in the beneath investigation. Before diving into the topic and attempting to comprehend what caused and propagated the Cold War, it is worth initially bringing up a portion of the really erroneous data that encompasses numerous regular ways to deal with the Cold War. The first, and maybe generally conspicuous of these def ective perspectives, is that the Cold War was pushed onto the United States by a hazardous and excessively forceful Soviet Union after the finish of World War II.This see is broken because of the way that the two superpowers that rose after the Second World War were innately wary of the other. Besides, it very well may be seen that the force structure that rose put the two on-screen characters on a crash course as for the way that the monetary frameworks advocated by both the United States and the Soviet Union were naturally against one another.As such, it tends to be comprehended as an unavoidable outcome that the two sides would clash with one another (Goertzel 243). Along these lines, it very well may be comprehended that it was not either fundamentally the way that the United States or the Soviet Union was effectively forceful that guaranteed that the two forces would come at chances with each other; rather it was their natural contrasts in political frameworks, philosophy, fina ncial matters, and the way that they were the two superpowers aim on overwhelming the world system.Perhaps the most intriguing thought that Mills set forward was what eventually kept the harmony between the United States and the Soviet Union during times of extraordinary weight and stress that happened during the Cold War. Factories asserted that a progression of intensity tip top were the genuine entertainers in the background that attempted to guarantee a full showdown between the two superpowers could never convert into a reality (Marino 29). These influence elite†, as Mills called them, were the official branch (leader of the United States), top Pentagon military pioneers, and the corporate rich. In spite of the fact that this view unquestionably bears some reality, the truth is that such a distortion doesn't factor in to account the key players in the Soviet Union that additionally looked to shield the contention from reaching a crucial stage to head encounter. Factories proceeds to express that perhaps the biggest explanation that would accelerate World War III would be the way that the two sides were in such a desperate condition of readiness for such a conflict.This specific view is fascinating because of the way that numerous writers have recorded this planning as one reason that the different sides didn't really get into a fight (Warner 174). In spite of the fact that knowing the past is obviously great, Mills appeared to accept that the way toward getting ready for such a contention would mean, that the different sides would be left with a kind of inevitable outcome just as an expansive scope of cutting edge weaponry which would ensure that the two would reach boiling point as a Third World War.More explicitly, Mills saw the approach of new weapons frameworks and the manner by which the military modern complex kept on pushing for an acceleration in the contention as confirmation positive that the energy for full scale war was unquestionably ap parent. Numerous writers guarantee that Mills specific perspective on the manner by which the Soviet Union and the United States would clash because of the pressures made by the elements that have been recorded was not the aftereffect of the way that he really accepted this to be genuine however because of the way that he was endeavoring to disturb political change inside the United States.Mills, albeit a productive author and notable scholarly, was likewise an individual from the development known as the â€Å"New Left†. This specific development bought in to the view that the military and key components of the force tip top had altogether an excessive amount of control over the manner by which approach choices were being made and the regular man/electorate was less and less significant in deciding the eventual fate of the nation.Accordingly, creators have endeavored to show that as opposed to demonstrating his actual situation on the Cold War and what may happen because of the political moves that were making place at that point, Mills rather tried to make a development for change inside the current political structure by connecting with scholastics and learned people in understanding that the present course could just prompt clash and demolition of all frameworks equally.Yet another other view expresses that the genuine charm and intrigue of the Cold War was a hardening impact for American and Soviet pioneers. As they had the option to present to their kin and electorates that an existential danger existed outside of their own framework, they had the option to evoke levels of enthusiasm, conviction, and financial productivity/utility that would not have in any case had the option to be acknowledged (Saull 1124).As an aftereffect of the way that the authority of the two frameworks perceived and esteemed the significance that such a bi-polar perspective on the world affected on their populaces, the two sides were no uncertainty at any rate incompletely keen on keeping up the presence of abrupt encounter as a way to deal with their kin and direct the general proficiency of their economies. The entirety of the mystery and exchange hypotheses merit their place; be that as it may, on the grounds that the speculations of MAD and the prevention that other vital choices that were made by the two sides urged increasingly level heads to win during this chilled conflict.Merely because of the way that a hypothesis is old and has been tried and estimated a large number of times doesn't necessitate that another hypothesis ought to be taken care of (Roberts 1476). In like manner, albeit a considerable lot of Mills focuses bear investigation, it would be untimely and foolish to set up these speculations of the reliable and demonstrated hypotheses that have for such a long time assisted with characterizing the rationale of why the United States and Soviet Union had the option to keep the harmony between themselves during the tempestuous years en compassing the Cold War.What is imperative to comprehend from the previous examination isn't whether C Wright Mills or some other scholars were right; rather, understanding the various ways that these scholars and savants/political intelligent people saw the exchange between these superpowers and the resulting struggle or absence of contention it anticipated encourages the analyst to both comprehend and value the varying degrees of felt that served to subtlety and build up our present comprehension of the contention encompassing the Cold War.In thusly, attempting to demonstrate or invalidate C Wright Mill’s sees with connection to whether he was at last right in the manner he sorted and characterized remarkable advancements between these two superpowers is the fate of auxiliary significance to endeavoring to understanding the causal chronicled factors that assisted with building up the world view he attempts to provide for the peruser. Works Cited Goertzel, Ted G. â€Å"The Causes Of World War III: Thirty Years Later. † Sociological Forum 4. 2 (1989): 241. Scholarly Search Complete.Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Marino, Noel. The arms exchange. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Roberts, Geoffrey. â€Å"The Cold War As History. † International Affairs 87. 6 (2011): 1475-1484. Scholastic Search Complete. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Saull, Richard. â€Å"Social Conflict And The Global Cold War. † International Affairs 87. 5 (2011): 1123-1140. Scholastic Search Complete. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Warner, Geoffrey. â€Å"The Cold War In Retrospect. † International Affairs 87. 1 (2011): 173-184. Scholarly Search Complete. Web. 7 Nov. 2012.

Monitor a Safe Workplace Essay

|Unit BSBOHS407A |Qualification | |Monitor a Safe Workplace |Certificate IV in Frontline Management | |Learner | |Start Date | |Assessor | |Due Date | |Task |Description |Who |What |Duration |( 1 |Complete your exercise manual |Student |Workbook |10 hours | |Text book |( 2 |Journal passage (one every week) |Student |Diary |20 mins |( 3 |Scenario and Questions |Student |Questionnaire |1.5 hours |( 4 |Underpinning Knowledge Questions |Student |Questionnaire |1.5 hours |( 5 |Workplace Project |Student |Computer |6 hours (report) | |Work Team |+ time at work |( 6 |Supervisor’s Checklist |Supervisor |Checklist |15 mins | |Workplace Project: | |Create an OHS document for the data you gather while working through this unit. Think about your own association, or one that you have examined. | |Include the accompanying: | |description of your association; | |organisational diagram of your work environment with rundown of names, positions and obligations; | |floor plan of your working environment with crisis exits marked; | |your organisation’s OHS strategy and techniques; | |organisational outline and sets of responsibilities; | |information from applicable state or territory’s OHS specialists; | |information from national OHS specialists; | |Risk Assessment structures and directions/technique | |copies of your organisation’s records and reports identifying with OHS; and | |information from workers and wellbeing and security agents. | |Categorise the data and compose a substance page for the organizer/document. | |Conduct two (2) Risk Assessments on potential working environment dangers utilizing the organisation’s techniques; join the documentation. | |Contact your assessor on the off chance that you require additional data. | |_______________________________________ | |Student Signature | |DECLARATION: The joined data is all my own work | Authentication IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Candidate’s Name: ___________________________________________________ | |C |NYC | |FEEDBACK FROM MANAGER/SUPERVISOR | | |Please consider how the competitor GENERALLY performs. | |Does your input affirm that the applicant can: | |Provide data to the workgroup about OH&S strategies and techniques |( |( | |Implement and screen participative courses of action for the administration of OH&S |( |( | |Implement and screen an organisation’s systems for giving OH&S preparing |( |( | |Implement and screen methodology for distinguishing dangers and evaluating dangers |( |( | |Implement and screen the organisation’s strategies for controlling dangers |( |( | |Implement and screen the organisation’s systems for keeping up OH&S for the group |( |( | |How does the competitor screen wellbeing in the working environment? | |COMMENTS FROM SUPERVISOR REGARDING CANDIDATE’S PERFORMANCE AGAINST THESE COMPETENCIES | |Supervisor’s Name and Signature: | |Email: | | |Qualifications: | |Date: | Significant: The competitor can't be regarded skillful until this agenda is returned. If it's not too much trouble contact the assessor to talk about issues identifying with this evaluation, Corelink 02 9779 9800. Authentication IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Candidate’s Name: __________________________________ | |ASSESSOR’S OBSERVATIONS |Satisfactory | |Yes No | |Participates in bunch exercises and gathering conversation in the learning and advancement condition, OR, reacted to |( |( | |assessor’s inquiries in the necessary time allotment and to the necessary norm. | |Completed exercise manual exercises to suitable standard |( |( | |Recorded authentic subtleties of work environment issues in his/her diary and offered these issues and other conversation |( |( | |generating proof to the workshop bunch | |Discussed and exhibited a capacity to work through issues raised on a balanced premise with the assessor (where |( |( | |the assessor instructed the up-and-comer through the issue) | |Demonstrated supporting information on the presentation rules for this unit |( |( | |Performance in the learning and improvement condition was at a standard that mirrored the candidate’s information and |( |( | |understanding of this unit | |Ability to perceive chances to move learnings from bunch exercises and conversations into the work environment |( |( | |Knowledge of how the components and execution rules of this unit coordinate with and identify with the candidate’s |( |( | |organisation’s genuine methodology | |ALL proof submitted for appraisal was proper for the level at which the up-and-comer is being surveyed |( |( | |Used successful relationship building abilities to identify with and speak with others while in the learning and advancement |( |( | |environment | |COMMENTS FROM ASSESSOR REGARDING CANDIDATE’S PERFORMANCE | |Assessor Name and Signature: Date: | Significant: The up-and-comer can't be considered equipped until this agenda is returned. â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€ 1. Notes to Learner: †¢ ALL proof ought to be verified and connected to this report earlier to accommodation for appraisal. It is significant you flexibly enough proof so you can show that you are fit for performing at the fitting standard in the working environment. Without the necessary proof, you can't be surveyed as COMPETENT IN THE WORKPLACE by your assessor. †¢ The manager/outsider agenda is to be finished by your boss. On the off chance that you don't have a chief (for instance, on the off chance that you are an entrepreneur), contact your assessor to orchestrate a reasonable outsider to finish the agenda. †¢ Whether you are taking an interest in FLM encouraged learning workshops or learning self-managed, the assessor will finish an agenda to record proof of your cooperation in bunch conversation, bunch exercises or one-on-one meetings and messages. This will record an evaluation of your supporting information and capacity to move the learnings from the conversation and exercises back to the work environment. †¢ Please contact your assessor in the event that you need any support while getting ready or gathering this proof. †¢ If you don't have the guidelines about how to keep a Journal, if it's not too much trouble contact your assessor. †¢ If you don't comprehend anything completely, contact your assessor. †¢ Go to Corelink’s site on the off chance that you need tips on contemplating by means of separation learning. Survey Testament IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Situation Complete your answers utilizing a word processor. The appropriate responses don't should be extensive (visual cues will do). The organization you work for was as of late bought by another, a lot bigger organization. In spite of the fact that the representatives have been guaranteed that no conservations would happen they are as yet wary about what's on the horizon for them. The new directors have all the earmarks of being very open with staff about their vision for the organization and have acquainted significant changes with its work practices to assist them with accomplishing their destinations. Laborers are required to move to another security framework. There has never been a conventional framework set up previously. You have been placed accountable for the undertaking. Depict how you would approach the accompanying: a. Data Sessions on OHS Legislation b. Technique for disclosing industry guidelines to staff c. Draft of an appropriate OHS Policy d. Clarification of how available this approach ought to be to representatives e. Methodology for choosing OHS delegates and board of trustees f. Clarification of how gatherings will be directed g. Conference strategies you will utilize, and as evaluation of that discussion with representatives in regards to the ID of work environment risks h. Preparing necessities I. An agenda identifying with dangers in your work territory j. Draft of an Incident Reporting Procedure Supporting KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONNAIRE Authentication IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Complete your answers utilizing a word processor. The appropriate responses don't should be extensive (visual cues will do). 1. Talk about the obligations that OH&S enactment puts on representatives and chiefs 2. Portray the legitimate obligations of wellbeing delegates and councils 3. What is implied by an employer’s OH&S ‘Duty of Care’? 4. What ought to OH&S reviews assess? 5. What OH&S records ought to be kept up? 6. For what reason do we have OH&S arrangements and methodology? 7. â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€ Corelink PTY LTDAssessment Tool  ©Corelink Pty LtdAssessment Tool

Friday, August 21, 2020

Bhavesh.Amin Essay Example For Students

Bhavesh.Amin Essay CSC 4810-Artificial Intelligence ASSG# 4 Support Vector MachineSVM is a usage of Support Vector Machine (SVM). SupportVector Machine was created by Vapnik. The primary fates of the programare the accompanying: for the issue of example acknowledgment, for the problemof relapse, for the issue of learning a positioning capacity. Underlyingthe accomplishment of SVM are numerical establishments of factual learningtheory. Instead of limiting the preparation blunder, SVMs minimizestructural chance which express and upper bound on speculation mistake. SVM are well known on the grounds that they for the most part accomplish great blunder rates and canhandle surprising sorts of information like content, diagrams, and pictures. SVMs driving thought is to order the information isolating themwithin a choice limit lying a long way from the two classes and scoring alow number of blunders. SVMs are utilized for design acknowledgment. Basically,a informational collection is utilized to prepare a specific machine. This machine can learnmore by retraining it with the old information in addition to the new information. The trainedmachine is as one of a kind as the information that was utilized to prepare it and thealgorithm that was utilized to process the information. When a machine is prepared, itcan be utilized to foresee how intently another informational collection coordinates the trainedmachine. At the end of the day, Support Vector Machines are utilized for patternrecognition. SVM utilizes the accompanying condition to prepared the VectorMachine: H(x) = sign {wx + b}Wherew = weight vectorb = thresholdThe speculation capacities of SVMs and different classifiers differsignificantly particularly when the quantit y of preparing information is little. Thismeans that if some system to expand edges of choice limits isintroduced to non-SVM type classifiers, their exhibition corruption willbe forestalled when the class cover is rare or non-existent. In theoriginal SVM, the n-class arrangement issue is changed over into n two-class issues, and in the ith two-class issue we decide the optimaldecision work that isolates class I from the rest of the classes. Inclassification, in the event that one of the n choice capacities arranges an unknowndatum into a positive class, it is ordered into that class. In thisformulation, if more than one choice capacity orders a datum intodefinite classes, or no choice capacities arrange the datum into adefinite class, the datum is unclassifiable. To determine unclassifiable areas for SVMswe talk about four sorts ofSVMs: one against all SVMs; pairwise SVMs; ECOC (Error Correction OutputCode) SVMs; at the same time SVMs; and their variations. Another issue of SVMis moderate preparing. Since SVM are prepared by a fathoming quadratic programmingproblem with number of factors equivalents to the quantity of preparing data,training is delayed for an enormous number of preparing information. We talk about trainingof Sims by disintegration procedures joined with a steepest rising strategy. Bolster Vector Machine calculation additionally assumes large job in internetindustry. For instance, the Internet is enormous, made of billions of documentsthat are developing exponentially consistently. Be that as it may, an issue exists intrying to discover a snippet of data among the billions of growingdocuments. Momentum web crawlers examine for catchphrases in the documentprovided by the client in an inquiry question. Some web search tools, for example, Googleeven venture to offer page rankings by clients who have previouslyvisited the page. This depends on others positioning the page accordingto their requirements. Despite the fact that these strategies help a large number of clients a dayretrieve their data, it isn't close at all to being a definite science. The difficult lies in discovering site pages dependent on your inquiry question thatactually contain the data you are searching for. Here is the figure of SVM algorithm:It is essential to comprehend the component behind the SVM. The SVMimplement the Bayes rule in intriguing manner. Rather than assessing P(x) itestimates sign P(x)- 1/2. This is advantage when our objective is binaryclassification with negligible excepted misclassification rate. Be that as it may, thisalso implies that in some other circumstance the SVM should be changed andshould not be utilized with no guarantees. .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 , .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .postImageUrl , .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 , .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:hover , .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:visited , .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:active { border:0!important; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:active , .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0844f3b76de494a 344941aba8427ec17 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0844f3b76de494a344941aba8427ec17:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: My Move from Vietnam to America EssayIn end, Support Vector Machine bolster heaps of genuine worldapplications, for example, content arrangement, written by hand characterrecognition, picture order, bioinformatics, and so on. Their firstintroduction in mid 1990s lead to an ongoing blast of uses anddeepening hypothetical investigation that was currently settled Support VectorMachines alongside neural systems as one of standard instruments for machinelearning and information mining. There is a major utilization of Support Vector Machine inMedical Field. Reference:Boser, B., Guyon, I and Vapnik, V.N.(1992). A preparation calculation foroptimal edge classifiers.

How To Get Good Quality Essays By Hiring A Pay Someone To Write Your Essay

How To Get Good Quality Essays By Hiring A Pay Someone To Write Your EssayThere are many advantages to using a pay someone to write your essay. The most common of these advantages is that you get a much better quality essay.One thing that is so different about writing an essay is that it requires a lot of thinking and feeling. You need to know what you are going to say, and how you are going to say it. This means that the writer has to be able to put their thoughts into words, in order to get it right.If you pay someone to write your essay, this is something that they are used to doing, and they will be in tune with how you think and feel about the subject matter. These writers can easily pick up on your feelings and your subject matter, and they will be able to write a more complete essay. They can even analyze your thoughts and opinions and come up with the best way to express them.A writer who is not used to working on essays and does not have to use the topic on a regular basis, cannot write as well as someone who has been doing it for a while. They will need to be more selective about what they write. If they only know the basics of what they need to cover, they may write very bland and boring essays. With the use of a professional writer, they can focus on the topic at hand and write very insightful essays.It is very easy to write a great essay if you hire someone to write it for you. It is not uncommon for students to have their essays dictated to them. Another good reason to hire a professional is because a writer can know the format that the essay needs to be written in. Knowing what the essay is going to require, means that they can know how to write it in the correct format.One great idea for finding a writer is to find someone that is already in the field of writing. They can help you find a writer, by suggesting a person that has experience with the type of essay that you are trying to write. If you are not sure who this person could be, you can as k for references from past clients.If you cannot find a writer locally, you can even outsource it to a writer in another country. The advantage to doing this is that the writer can be in another country, which means that they do not have to worry about the time zone problem. They can also be in another part of the world, which means that they can write an essay that is completely unique to their country.The last great benefit to hiring a writer is that you can get feedback on your essay. These writers are experts in their field, and they will have an idea of what they think of your essay before you even ask them to write it. This is a great advantage for you, and it means that you can really have a great idea of what you want your essay to be about, before you even begin to write it.